Entrepreneurial Computer Vision Challenge Winner: Serena Yeung, EgoStitch
/ Evan nisselson
Photo ©Dan Taylor/Heisenberg Media

Congratulations to Serena Yeung, the winner of the Entrepreneurial Computer Vision Challenge.
Serena’s EgoStitch approach tackles the problem of summarizing and extracting meaning from the volumes of visual data captured by wearable cameras.
She won $1,000 free AWS credits via their AWS Activate program and more…
Serena is currently pursuing her PhD in Prof. Fei-Fei Li’s group at Stanford.
We were honored to have an incredible all star group of judges for this competition:
Serge Belongie, Professor, Cornell NYC Tech, Computer Vision Expert
Jan Erik Solem, Co-founder of Mapillary
Moshe Bercovich, Shutterfly, GM Israel
Gary Bradski, Magic Leap, VP Computer Vision & Machine Learning
Tamara Berg, Assistant Prof., University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Sophie Lebrecht, Neon Labs, Co-Founder
Navneet Dalal, Google, Research Scientist